How to Organize Your Children’s Schoolwork

2011 06 02_5395

Well, it is that time of year… you know, when school ends!  I am excited and sad at the same time!!!

Today, I am going to show you how I organized all my daughter’s school papers.

Welcome to Week 14 of our Organize your Life series!

Organize your LIFE

I am following the book Organize Now!  for my weekly posts but today (because school ends tomorrow),  I will show you what I did this week instead of my weekly challenge.

2011 03 09_2936

I already showed you here, how I keep a file for each child.  Each day, when Grace brought home her work,  I would hang them on the fridge.  After that, I would save them in her file.

2011 03 14_3051 

Yesterday, she brought  home a bag of artwork and worksheets from school so I thought we would make our binder.

I took out everything that I had and we got to work!

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I picked up some sheet protectors (to protect her work) and a new binder.

2011 06 01_5383 

We started to fill the sheets.

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It was a lot of fun looking through everything! :)

2011 06 01_5385 

I LOVED this Mother’s Day Poem that her class made for us Moms! :)

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Grace really liked helping me and looking at all  of her work too!

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Since her favorite color is pink, we used pink scrapbook paper to decorate the binder.

I also printed out a K (for kindergarten) and her name.

2011 06 02_5395 

Now, we have a nice binder to look at.

2011 06 02_5397 

I love this one picture…

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Grace LOVES her book and she has looked at it a million times already, ha!

My challenge for you this week is to make a keepsake binder, box or something like that for your children/grandchildren’s school work and post to here! 

I can’t wait to see them! :)

Please post up your organizing project of the week below!

Organize your life


Have a great day! :)


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