Hello! Happy Ash Wednesday/first day of Lent!!!! This Lent, my family and I are really going to try to better ourselves. We each have are own things we are going to work on. As a family, we are going to pray more together. My husband and I are going to read a great relationship book together, Grace is going to try to stop whining as much (yes she is five and likes to whine sometimes), Michael is going to try to stop saying bad words, (he says “poop” and it drives me nuts) Matthew is going to start going on the potty (he just turned 2 and he is begging to go on the potty, I am just not ready, so I guess this is for me too, lol) and I am going try to not yell at all (it happens sometimes, not a lot, but I am a really loud person by nature so I am going to try to tone it down a notch). I love Lent because it forces us to take a good look at ourselves and try to improve. I also want to keep an organized house because that helps keep our home peaceful which is so important and relaxing for all of us. I was really excited to see this post by Ann Marie from White House, Black Shutters.
Ann Marie is one of my best friends, my sister-in-Law and also my garage sailing partner in crime. We live 12 minutes from each other and garage sale together every week during the summer. We LOVE getting a great deal even if we don’t REALLY need it…hence 40 bags in 40 days, lol!
Like I said, she blogs at White House, Black Shutters. Here is a cute picture of her family (that I took, hehe)!
I wanted you all to read her post and join in her 40 bags in 40 days of fun! She put a neat spin on this idea and is including a printable and link up party too! I will be linking up and hope to see you all there too! :)
This is what she wrote…
This post has been a long time coming.
It seems like everyone is talking about stuff (here, here, and here). Well I like to jump on bandwagons! ;)
I love stuff. But I hate what it’s doing to our home. We have too much stuff.
I hold back from taking pictures of my kids because there is stuff in the way.
I put projects on hold because of stuff.
I’m too busy buying stuff I don’t need, when I should allocate those funds into much needed renovation (like my ugly bathroom).
Holding onto stuff can be good, case in point our shutters, but where do you draw the line?
(I think a basement full of decorating crap “on rotation” is past that line)
We don’t need all this stuff. I only want to keep what we need and what matters to us. No more buying stupid decor items because they were on sale and fill a spot.
I don’t like this painting, but it was only $5. Why do I have it?!
Yes these little things are cute, but do I need them?
I’m so concerned with reusing, that I’m having a hard time letting go.
Do we really need all of this stuff?!?!
No. We don’t.
The cute birdcage that was $1. The bins that keep everything oh-so-organized. Those kids’ books I got for a STEAL at 10 cents. Ten pairs of maternity jeans. The lamp on sale at Target. The light fixture for FREE from the ReStore. The brand-new frames from Target at Goodwill for a steal. The stockpile from the Dollar Store for those “one day I will do ____” crafts. The Pottery Barn rug from a garage sale that doesn’t match any room in my house but was only $10. But MOOOOOM! it was from POTTERY BAAAAARN!
We don’t need it.
I’m getting better, I’m letting go. I took the plunge and sold this bookshelf and the inevitable clutter surrounding it.
and although I am happy with the results (and my 40 bucks), I still have a looooong way to go.
(Sticks in a vase? Really? Why do I need stupid sticks in my house?)
Sarah at Clover Lane (the first blog I started reading regularly) did something called “40 Bags in 40 Days” for Lent and as if she didn’t have enough bags last year, she’s doing it again this year.
Here are all of her posts regarding the challenge, here is where she got the idea.
I think she sums it up best when she says (in reference to decor):
Use what you love, purge what you don't!
I want my home to be warm and loving, full of purpose and meaning. I don’t need things that I don’t love. I don’t want to be consumed and burdened with stuff. I’m making a commitment and instead of reaping the benefits of my favorite stores, I’ll be having a garage sale, donating, and purging.
Does this mean I will stop thrifting? No. The kids need clothes, I don’t like to buy new, and it’s a fun hobby. But I’m going to do so with some HEAVY editing…
Less garage sailing, less accumulating, more living.
I’ll be starting next week (Ash Wednesday!), posting about progress weekly, and even made a fancy button for the sidebar.
I’d love to have you join me! I’ll need that encouragement. I’ll even make a fancy linky party if you need the motivation too. Please join me?? I promise, we really don’t need all that crap. ;)
I really like what she said, except about those sticks. I like them there, lol!
She also posted more about her party idea HERE and included this printable for you to fill out.
This is a great way to stay/get organized! Since Ann Marie and I are already planning our April garage sale, this will really help us de-clutter once and for ALL!!!! (Until garage sailing season starts again, lol!) I will get better this year, I promise, haha! But seriously, my husband kinda made a rule for me when he first discovered my garage sailing addiction. He said, “One thing in = One thing out!” I think I have done a pretty good job so far, I showed you my garage sales here and here.
Please visit White House, Black Shutters to read more about 40 bags in 40 days and give her encouragement!!!! :) You can also read more about Ann’s house rehab, amazing recipes (which I have tried), decorating ideas, thrifty decorating ideas, cute pictures of her kids (my niece and nephew) and lots more! :)
What are you doing for Lent this year?
Are going to join us?
Happy Lent and Happy De-Cluttering!
Also, don’t forget that you can get a FREE SHAKEE CINCH SAMPLER KIT (over $100 value) with the purchase of a Shaklee membership (a $19.95 one time fee to save you 15% off ALL orders including your first order) or ShakleeDistributorship ($39.95) AND a $70 order at member price (MN). To get this special, place the products in your cart, and then it will tell you that you qualify for the free Cinch Sampler Kit at the top. After that, sign up as a member or distributor. You DO NOT need to place the sampler kit in your cart…it is automatic, just make sure to check if you qualify. Please note, if you become a Gold Ambassador, you do not need to place an order to get the free kit. Please email me at donahuewellness@hotmail.com for any questions. ***Plus, I will let you know of ALL OF MY NEW MEMBER SPECIALS!!!*** You can read about my Cinch results here and my sister’s amazing story here.
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